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Conference 2013


Comparison between PC and PL measurements: A versatile characterisation method for silicon wafers

23rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, 2013

Z. Hameiri, K.K. Gopalan


Investigation of wet-chemical surface conditioning of crystalline silicon wafers for solar cell applications

23rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, 2013

M. Tang, Z. Hameiri, M. Boreland, A.G. Aberle, T. Mueller



Inter-laboratory study of eddy-current measurement of excess-carrier recombination lifetime

39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2013

A.L. Blum, J.S. Swirhun, R.A. Sinton, F. Yan, S. Herasimenka, T. Roth, K. Lauer, J. Haunschild, B. Lim, K. Bothe, Z. Hameiri, B. Seipel, R. Xiong, M. Dhamrin, J.D. Murphy


On the use of local ideality factor obtained from effective carrier lifetime measurements

39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2013

Z. Hameiri, K. McIntosh


Spatially resolved emitter saturation current by photoluminescence imaging

39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2013

Z. Hameiri, P. Chaturvedi, M.K. Juhl, T. Trupke

Won - Best Poster Award


Over 700 mV implied Voc on p-type CZ silicon solar cells with double-sided laser doping

Energy Procedia, 2013

G. Xu, B. Hallam, Z. Hameiri, C. Chan, Y. Yao, C. Chong, S.R. Wenham

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