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Shuai Nie RLX_9581c.jpg

Dr Tien-Chun WU

Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg
Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg
Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg
Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg

Employment experience:

2023 – 2024: Research Fellow (UNSW)

2021 – 2022: Postdoctoral Fellow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)



2020 – 2021: Master of Science in Advanced Computing (Imperial College London, UK)

2015 – 2020: Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering (University of Cambridge, UK)

2010 – 2015: Dual Bachelor of Engineering and Commerce (UNSW)

Research interests:

  • Sustainable energy supply/demand modeling and forecasting

  • Complex dynamical systems modeling

  • Spatiotemporal power and traffic forecasting

  • Multimodal generative and representation learning

  • Natural language processing with large language models

Why is your research important?

Reliable forecasting and coordination of utility-scale renewable energy generation and EV-grid interactions pave the path towards energy-efficient net-zero carbon emissions target. The development of scalable spatiotemporal multimodal deep learning models would achieve these capabilities and help policymakers address the imminent climate crisis with quantifiable recommendations.

Why do you like research? 

Depicting the dynamics of complex real-world systems inspires reimagination of design. Seeing my design being applied by researchers and practitioners to resolve pressing real-life problems would be fulfilling.

What do you like to do when you are not saving the world?

Worship the beauty of nature and human wisdom.

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